On 15 and 16 February 2019, the first Pan-European Trainees’ Congress was organized by EURAPAG. Almost 100 delegates from 22 European countries came to Frankfurt to learn more about PAG. The program was a combination of lectures, presentations by trainees and workshops. The meeting in Frankfurt in 2019 was a success and therefore the Pan-European Trainees’ Congress has become an annual event rotating between different countries.
EURAPAG will be hosting the second Pan-European Trainees’ Congress during the EURAPAG 2021 meeting. This time, the meeting will be held on Friday 11 June 2021, so that the trainees can attend the other scientific sessions as well. The working language will be English. The program consists of small scaled learning by workshops, a Stump-the-professor-session with challenging PAG cases and a possibility to present your own work. Please do note, that your abstract will be published in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology after the meeting if you have presented your work.
We are hoping for a good international attendance. Please encourage your trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology to attend. In collaboration with ENTOG, EURAPAG will organize a contest, of which the winner qualifies for one free registration for the congress. Please visit the ENTOG-website (www.entog.eu) to find out what you need to do to win this free registration. ENTOG will announce the winner of the contest before the end of the early bird rate.